Take a Chance

Early 2000 my mother and I moved into a new house. I had no friends, obviously from the move. I asked her, “Can I go see if there are any kids I can go play with?” She didn’t see anything wrong with it. Her only rule was that I didn’t go into anyone’s house. I went door to door, knocking and asking parents that answered if they had any kids I could play with. After the fourth house I knocked and finally got the answer I was looking for. “Ya, why don’t you come on in and meet her!” We hit it off and played for hours. Later that night her father, a police officer comes in asking his wife if she has seen anyone that fit my description perfectly. Sure enough my mother had stopped him and was looking for me. I broke the one rule she had, but I made a life time friend.

This week we had the special Super Blood Moon. I went to the square with the idea I would get some work done. As I pulled into the square I saw a bunch of people sitting on the grass around the court-house to watch the moon. Once I parked I didn’t see the harm in joining them. I didn’t know much about the Super Blood Moon, but I was interested and wanted to see what all the hype was about. After sitting there for a while by myself, someone stopped to ask me if I was there for the moon. We chatted about how disappointing it was and some how ended up talking for another hour about our jobs and outlooks on different things. Complete stranger, really fun conversation.

Both of theses stories, to me, show what opportunities and experience you can get by just taking a step toward something new. I didn’t know that those stories would end the way they did. Both of these are obviously the good examples of what can happen when you put yourself out there a little more than you usually do. Lets be realistic though, there are some bad experiences out there as well.

Freshman year, spring semester I found out that my dream of working in the church, at the time, could come true. I was extremely excited at all the advantages the job had and how perfect it was for me. I applied and received an interview. Through the process of it all I found out one of my best friends was applying for the job as well. I was confident in my work, experience and presentation. Nothing was going to slow me down. The day came where all of my friends were hanging out in my room and I received the call I’d been waiting for. I stepped in the hall way and was told I didn’t get the job. After getting onto my bed my friend who applied as well received her call, she got it.

I’ve never been so torn between happiness for a friend and jealousy. The questions of what made her better than me, why was I not the one and who really deserved it. To this day I have a hard time walking int that church without feeling sad or the slightest bit jealous. Not getting that job helped me find my true calling though.

What I want you to get from these stories is that even though you’re scared, reserved or even too depressed to experience something, do it any way. I have learned so much from taking a simple step into the unknown. Being a victim to depression and anxiety, I truly know how hard it can be to do just that. Your mind gets so caught up in what could happen, mainly the bad stuff. Because your thinking so hard about the negatives you start to see them and not see any positives and it consumes your vision. Soon it’s just easier to stay home, curl up in bed and just be with yourself and your comforts.

One event can completely change your future and your emotions. Even if you’re happy where you’re at, don’t get comfortable. Happiness is an even bigger reason to experience more. You’re already happy, you may find something even better.

Stir up a conversation with someone new.

Try a new restaurant.

Tell your close friends and family a part of you that you’ve wanted to share with them.

Take a chance.

Can You Picture It?

I have a fun start to my new blog that I wanted to try out. As I stared at an empty box on my computer I wanted to write something that wasn’t a spill of my emotions, a revealing of the deep thoughts I have in my head or some opinion on how the world is turning out. Though I will have days that I spill my heart into the key board, I wanted to be creative today. Work a part of my brain that hasn’t been used in who knows how long.

When you read this do just as you would your favorite novel. Where the words paint a picture for you. Start with a blank slate, black everything, noises canceled out, all your focus on the words in front of you, as best as you can. I don’t want you to picture where I am at or what I describe, but your own version of it. You’ll see what I mean, just relax and take this time to focus on nothing but your creativity.

Your black abyss becomes comfortable with the warm colors that spread over the sky. The sun is low and shines a beautiful orange ray across all that is above you. The sky is clear and still holds the blue from the day, hanging in the air for just a little while longer. The air holds a subtle wind that lightly cools your skin, just enough to make you feel at ease and not worry about slipping on a jacket or dabbing the sweat away. It’s the perfect weather that you don’t notice because it’s just right. Along with the wind the sent of food flows with it. Nothing too strong, but enough to make you wonder what it is you’re smelling. On top of the wind and the food there is the busy sound of people. Feet stepping, chatter and laughter come from various places, nothing worth listening to. The sound of cars humming over the road, radios singing out and motors rumbling.

What are you feeling? There is so much to take in, yet we don’t always take it in. We sit stuck in our heads or in our phones. Stress begins to eat at our time, our patience, our happiness. You have time to take a breath and notice the room you’re in, the people that are around you and even the things that aren’t around you. That bird outside your window stopped chirping, the dog’s finally scared off whatever they were barking at, your coworker isn’t munching on chips obnoxiously.

If you have the small amount of time to read my silly little blog, you have enough time to take it in. Give it a break. Every week or two I find myself tense, worried and afraid about anything and everything that could pop into my head. My escape is watching some sad movie that is going to break me down and cry it out. Once I’ve cried myself tired, I go to bed. The next day I feel ready for whatever I have to face the next day. What is your release? How do you escape? Even if it is for a minute, thirty minutes or more find something and make sure to do it.

You’re in charge or your body and how you treat it. You can take that as just another thing to worry about or you can take it as an adventure, an experiment. What can you do for you?

Start a book.

Start a blog.

Take a nap.

Put your earbuds in.

Vent to someone.


Be the best you that you can be.